Today Mercury in Scorpio makes its third and final sextile to Saturn in Capricorn in this retrograde cycle. Now direct, Mercury may motivate us to clearly communicate our boundaries—what is and is not okay for us—and to ask for the support that we need. Saturn can also signify our fears and our limitations, so this sextile could offer opportunities to address the sources of our fears and anxieties, to express where we feel our resources are limited, and to dispel misconceptions about our capabilities and incapabilities. The Moon finishes its time in Capricorn with no major aspects, then ingresses into Aquarius where it makes a square to Uranus in Taurus. Aquarius invites a kind of soaring detachment, a view from above, which can give us distance and perspective on the crises and challenges that we’re facing in our lives and in our world. But Uranus in Taurus demands the revolutionary potential of grounding ourselves in the earth, planting our feet, and pulling our analyses down into the lived realities of our terran lives—a view from somewhere rather than a view from anywhere or nowhere, what Donna Haraway describes as “situated knowledges.” Today we may feel challenged to bring our big-picture perspectives into our embodied material lives. What is the use of sweeping theoretical models and understandings if we cannot put them into practice in physical, earthly ways?
Around midday, the Moon in Capricorn makes a sextile to Neptune in Pisces then a sextile to Mercury in Scorpio. This is an opportunity to begin to embody the fantasies and dreams that we are coming to articulate for ourselves and others. As we vision for the kinds of lives and worlds that we long to bring into being, the Moon in Capricorn invites us to lay the foundations of such living worlds through developing tangible practices that align with our visions. In order to sustain and nurture the possibilities of worlds to come, we must begin to practice living in such worlds as tangible realities. The Moon then moves through conjunctions to Saturn and Pluto, and we may feel the pressure, pull, or force of the existing systems through which we are living. Material realities that are resistant to change and the ways they act on and through us will undoubtedly assert themselves. Remember what adrienne maree brown teaches us in Emergent Strategy: “We are realizing that we must become the systems we need—no government, political party, or corporation is going to care for us, so we have to remember how to care for each other. And that will take time, and commitment, a willingness to step outside of the comfort of the current and lean into the unknown, together. To listen to each other across all real and perceived divides.” It is our responsibility to not only dream of worlds capable of caring for us, but to begin to put such worlds into practice, dreaming for the future through how we practice for such worlds in the tangible processes of our daily lives.
Today Mercury in Scorpio makes the third of three trines to Neptune in Pisces. With both planets now moving direct, we may feel clarity around naming and speaking our dreams, our fantasies, and messages we’ve been perceiving from beyond the visible, known world. The Moon makes its final conjunction to Jupiter in Sagittarius before Jupiter departs Sagittarius for the next 11 years. Hold this experience of openness and abundance in your body; remember these lessons even as Jupiter moves on to Capricorn in a few days. The Moon then ingresses into Capricorn, the sign of its antithesis or detriment, drawing our attention to our responsibilities, commitments, and long-term projects. The Moon signifies the body and the emotional life, both of which can feel neglected when there is too much emphasis on work and productivity. Remember to make time for the things that nourish and support your well-being, especially if it does not feel as if the world around you is offering these resources. Next, the Moon makes a conjunction to Venus just as Venus perfects its trine to Uranus in Taurus. We are just days into this new Venus/Jupiter cycle, but here we come to the waning trine of the Venus/Uranus cycle. Venus was conjunct Uranus on May 18 and opposed Uranus on October 12. This trine is part of the integration and dissemination of this cycle, a process of growing into revolutionary practices of love. Here we begin to ask: how do we make these new ways of loving sustainable? Capricorn is deeply invested in longevity; as we have spent this year unlearning old patterns of what we believed love to be, as we move into this new cycle of abundant love initiated by the Venus/Jupiter conjunction, now we begin to shape our disciplines of devotion to radical love. Finally, the Moon makes a sextile to Mars in Scorpio, giving us motivation to create the conditions necessary to support ourselves in taking the risk of being vulnerable. Vulnerability requires courage, and in order to be courageous, sometimes we have to build spaces and contexts that support us in being brave.
Today the Moon in Sagittarius makes a square to Neptune in Pisces. Our fire, drive, and momentum may feel dispersed and diffuse. Our vision for new possibilities may feel like it’s drifting in so many directions that it becomes challenging to take clear action. Notice where you are experiencing friction between your ideals—the life you want to be living or the kind of world you want to be co-creating—and the ways you are actually living today. We’re always practicing something—every moment of every day. Today we may be challenged to align our practices with our visions. Then Neptune stations direct after moving retrograde since June. Neptune is a slow moving outer planet that signifies mysticism, spiritual consciousness, dreams, fantasies, and tuning into non-ordinary realities. My sense is that Neptune’s retrograde has been a kind of retrieval, a turning back to practices from the past, whether ancestral practices or returning to spiritual traditions that open the self to a more collective consciousness. What traditions have been returning to your life? How have the ancestors been speaking? It’s time to put what we’ve gathered and recollected into practice. It may be time to innovate the traditions we inherit, asking: how do we take the spiritual traditions of our ancestors and bring them forward into life in the 21st century?
Today is the New Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon joins the Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius, co-present and with reception from Jupiter, who will depart its home sign in a matter of days. There will not be another New Moon in Sagittarius with Jupiter co-present again until November 2030, and this one is really lovely, in aversion to both malefics. This is the start of a new cycle of expansion, of moving beyond your own borders, discovering new possibilities beyond your own horizons. Sagittarius is the seeker, the adventurer, the pilgrim. The glyph of Sagittarius always reminds me of an arrow sailing beyond the limits of where I am standing right now. For this New Moon, it could be useful to do some internal reflection: what do I perceive to be my own limits? What feel like the edges or boundaries of who I know myself to be? What if I could recognize that my body and my self are not actually static, bounded, impermeable forms, but in fact I am always in a state of dynamic, ongoing emergence, I am permeable and porous and penetrable and open and expansive, receiving and opening out onto a vast world? What fears come up? Where do you feel the sensations of “no, I can’t” or smallness or just feeling stuck? What if you stay with those feelings, not trying to change them, not trying to figure them out mentally, but instead, just feel them, get intimate with them? Can you use this lunation cycle from now until the Full Moon in Gemini on December 12 to move beyond your own limits—personal, social, ideological, physical—to explore how much more you already are and how much more you could become?
Today the Moon in Scorpio makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces before moving through sextiles to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. How do we move between non-ordinary realities, those states of perception that put us in touch with other possible worlds—dreams, fantasies, visions, the collective unconscious, the whispers of ancestors—and the persistent, concrete struggles of dismantling and re-building the worlds in which we are living? This is the work of witches, visionaries, activists, organizers, artists, and healers: moving between the worlds, devoting ourselves to experiences of realities that are inconsistent with the current structures and distributions of power that shape our world, and bringing those other possible worlds into being through our rituals, our politics, our protests, our community building, our networks of care. Venus then ingresses into Capricorn. Coming off of the brilliant conjunction to Jupiter yesterday, Venus now faces the task of laying stable foundations and building reliable structures capable of supporting our new visions of love and pleasure. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, a sign deeply invested in longevity and persistence. Venus in Capricorn could tend toward long-suffering through times of scarcity. Why not instead choose to use this time to slowly and deliberately create structures for holding abundance?
At the very start of the day, the Moon ingresses into Scorpio, the sign of its fall or depression. We may feel as if we’re wading through the heavy emotional content of our inner worlds. With reception from Mars, the Moon has more support, but be gentle with yourself if you’re feeling the weightiness of the day. The Moon then makes a conjunction to Mars. Aggression, aggravation, or agitation may complicate the morning. From there, the Moon moves into an opposition to Uranus, just hours before Mars makes this same aspect. It may feel as if you are approaching a breaking point, and perhaps you are. But first, Venus perfects its conjunction to Jupiter in Sagittarius, one of the most beautiful aspects of the year. Both benefics are joined together in Jupiter’s sign. This is the start of a new Venus/Jupiter cycle, teaching us what can become possible if we open to what adrienne maree brown describes as “a radical, global love that grows from deep within us to encompass all life.” brown writes in Pleasure Activism that we have been taught “that love is a limited resource and that the love we want and need is too much, that we are too much. We learn to shrink, to lie about the whole love we need, settling with not quite good enough in order to not be alone.” Venus conjunct Jupiter is calling us into loving as an abundant resource, living into the radical honesty of showing up as our whole selves and inviting those we love to do the same. This will mean feeling into our own desires and pleasures, asking for what we want and need, listening to the wants and needs of others, and offering the love we can give in ways that are mutually affirming. Then Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. We’ve reached a breaking point, the demand for radical action or separation. Mars was conjunct Uranus in Aries back in February 2019. That story is coming to its climax as Mars moves through its other domicile. How are you fighting for your own emotional well-being? What patterns are no longer sustainable? This is an explosive opposition. Don’t be surprised if something revolutionary shakes your emotional depths. Finally, the Moon conjoins Mercury. It’s time to bring the lessons of Mercury’s retrograde back into your feeling body in order to communicate these insights to others. We have to feel what’s been uncovered in order to speak our truths.
Today the Moon in Libra makes hard aspects to challenging planets and easy aspects to supportive planets. First, the Moon moves through squares to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. We may encounter resistance and power struggles in our relationships and the work we are trying to accomplish with others. The Moon in Libra seeks cooperation and harmony, but Saturn sets seemingly immovable limits and Pluto shows us that collaboration is stalled when power imbalances tip toward domination. Be prepared to exercise patience as you figure out how to put shared power and distributed authority into practice. This may go against our conditioning. The resistance to new ways of working together may come not only from others but also from within ourselves. As the Moon moves into sextiles to Venus and Jupiter, we get a taste of what these planets are bringing together in their conjunction tomorrow. Whatever the challenges of the morning, Venus encourages us to return to that which we love while Jupiter brings our attention back to abundance. Especially if you are moving through conflict in your relationships, how might you reorient the conversation back toward contributing to one another’s flourishing, and reframe to direct your attention to the ways in which you are making yourself satisfiable?
Today the Sun moves into Sagittarius, initiating the final phase of autumn in the northern hemisphere. The Sun joins Venus and Jupiter, and has reception from Jupiter—which is in its last weeks in its home sign of Sagittarius. The Sun signifies that which gives us life, our constancy of purpose and direction, our clarity of perception, and the conditions of visibility—both what we see and how we are seen. Sagittarius invites us to broaden our horizons, move beyond our own edges, seek out adventure, and set out on pilgrimages to the places we hold most sacred in the world and in ourselves. Look to the place Sagittarius occupies in your chart to consider where the Sun is bringing new visibility or perceptibility to expansive possibilities over the next few weeks leading up to the winter solstice. The Moon is moving through Libra, the cardinal air sign of balance and harmony, holding many different perspectives together in cooperation and collaboration. The Moon makes no major aspects today, but its ruler Venus is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter, which will perfect on Sunday, November 24. Opportunities for social connections may be abundant. With whom do you want to spend your time? Who are the relationships, friendships, colleagues, and comrades who broaden your experience of the world? Who are the people with whom you share connections that bring more coherence to your life, with whom you share something that feels sacred? Move towards those people.
Today the Moon in Virgo makes easeful aspects to some difficult planets and hard aspects to both benefic planets. Starting with trines to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, we can reflect on the systems and structures that actually support us in aligning with personal and collective well-being, and ask: how do we practice being in right-relationship to power? What are the organizations of power that move us toward liberation as we live through our day-to-day lives? How might we experiment with what Starhawk describes as “shared power” and adrienne maree brown emphasizes as “interdependence and decentralization” of authority in the small tasks and projects on which we work each day? The Moon then makes squares to Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, and we may feel challenged to love and connect in ways that move from abundance rather than scarcity, that center what is working well rather than obsessing over the details that don’t meet our expectations. So many of us have been conditioned to pursue what we think of as love from a place of scarcity—the deep belief that there’s not enough, I’m not enough, I don’t have enough, and maybe no one can ever give me enough of what I need. What if we began by practicing offering abundant love to ourselves and others, quieting our inner critics and instead focusing on those parts of ourselves and our loved ones that we want to celebrate and nurture? “What you pay attention to grows,” as brown teaches us; this is a principle of Emergent Strategy and Pleasure Activism. Finally, the Moon in Virgo makes a sextile to the Sun in Scorpio before ingressing into Libra. What if you trusted your own feelings as indispensable guides in the way you move through whatever it is you’ve set out to accomplish?
Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, when we memorialize and honor the hundreds of transgender people who have been murdered world-wide this year.
The Moon in Virgo makes a trine to Uranus in Taurus, inviting us into radical right-relationship with change. Virgo is the mutable earth sign, signifying material adaptability and the transformation of material processes; the Moon signifies the body, and Uranus demands revolution. As I hold the grief of the relentless violence against trans and gender-nonconforming people—particularly trans women of color in the U.S. and abroad—I know that the roots of this violence are in rigid attachments to immutable gender categories, resistance to change and changeability, and in the toxic repression of all of the ways in which we fear difference in one another and ourselves. The Moon in Virgo’s trine to Uranus is asking us to open to new revolutionary relationships to our own bodies and the bodies of others, to difference, and to change. The Moon then makes a sextile to Mercury which is stationing direct in Scorpio after several weeks of retrograde motion. It is time to name our fears, speak our shame, and share the harm we’ve kept hidden—because hidden harm, shame, and fear become the soil in which violence takes root. In the final minutes of the day (EST), the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. This confrontation asks us to look inward and to do the work of putting our dreams, fantasies, and ideals into practice. If you can imagine a better world, a world without the conditions for harm and violence, how do you put that into practice today? If we are living in an imagination battle, as adrienne maree brown has written, how do we imagine a different world, not only in our hearts and minds, but in our real lives and in our ongoing material practices? How will you live into your imagination of a better world through the actions that you take today and every day? Today Mars ingresses into Scorpio, its own domicile, after spending six weeks in Libra—the sign of its antithesis or detriment. Now moving into its home sign, Mars returns to the resources it needs to function well, to take action, to be direct, and to pursue what it desires. The courage of Mars in Scorpio is deeply self-reflexive. Mars in Scorpio is keenly aware of its most vulnerable places, and is ready to guard and protect those places, but also capable of sharing these most vulnerable depths with those who are worthy to hold our stories. Mars can also finally offer reception to Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio. We may gain new perspective or understanding regarding what these last several weeks have been teaching us. The Moon in Leo makes beautiful successive trines to Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius. As the Moon in Leo asks us to show up as our most authentic selves, these aspects to both benefics may feel like waves of support and radiant joy in the experience of allowing more of ourselves to be seen. Brené Brown writes, “Authenticity is a daily practice … Authenticity demands wholehearted living and loving—even when it’s hard, even when we’re wrestling with the shame and fear of not being good enough, and especially when the joy is so intense that we’re afraid to let ourselves feel it.” What if you allowed yourself to love more wholeheartedly today and let yourself feel the joy that life is making available to you? As the Moon moves into a square to the Sun in Scorpio, we enter the waning quarter phase of this lunation. As we integrate what we’ve been learning since the New Moon in Scorpio on October 27, there might be more to release, surrender, or let go. The Moon then ingresses into Virgo and immediately into a sextile to Mars in Scorpio. We may feel the drive to take action that optimizes the processes in which we are engaged. What might need to adapt or change in order to be in better alignment with well-being?
The skies are relatively quiet today. The Moon in Leo makes a square to Mercury moving retrograde through Scorpio. These are the last days of this retrograde before Mercury stations direct and begins retracing its path through Scorpio for the third time. Mercury has been moving through a process of deep review of our hidden feelings, those places far beneath the surface where the pressure builds up the closer we approach. Mercury is trying to find the words and courage to translate these profoundly vulnerable parts of ourselves to others, and the Moon in Leo is reminding us to show up and be seen. Leo describes the courage to blaze brightly and brilliantly in all the ways that feel abidingly true. As the Moon wanes, this could be a time to remove and let go of whatever is preventing us for showing up authentically. What are the messages that you tell yourself about why you must hold back, keep some parts hidden, withhold acknowledgement from parts of who you are? What if those messages are no longer true? What if they never were?
As the Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, we may be challenged to confront the old harms and abuses that we’ve buried deep in our bodies. We cannot undo the harms that we carry, but we can step into new roles of care in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. Audre Lorde wrote, “We can learn to mother ourselves,” and Alexis Pauline Gumbs follows after her, writing, “What would it mean for us to take the word ‘mother’ less as a gendered identity and more as a possible action, a technology of transformation that those who do the most mothering labor are teaching us right now?” Perhaps it would mean what Mary Peña and Barbara Carey wrote about lesbian motherhood and raising children who know that, “They will not belong to the patriarchy. They will not belong to us either. They will belong only to themselves.” As the Moon opposes Pluto, what if we are being called to mother ourselves in such a way that we do not belong to patriarchy, in such a way that we do not belong to anyone but ourselves? The Moon in Cancer makes a trine to the life-giving Sun in Scorpio, and I am reminded of the words of June Jordan: “Love is a lifeforce.” As we encounter the nourishing light of the Sun, we are reminded: move toward that which gives Life. The Moon makes a waning square to Mars nearing the final degrees of Libra, a reminder to dismantle whatever stands in the way of solidarity in our movements. The Moon then ingresses into Leo and almost immediately into a square from Uranus in Taurus. Leo describes our burning desire to show up fully as ourselves, to be seen and celebrated for all that we are. The disruptive rays of Uranus may challenge us to ask: are you truly showing up as your full self? How would you show up differently if you could trust that you can be loved and appreciated for all that you are—no matter what?
[What I hope is clear in this post and always is that so much of how I understand astrology has been shaped by Black feminism, and I am immensely grateful.] Today the Moon in Cancer makes a trine to Mercury moving retrograde through Scorpio. Mercury is reviewing what might be hidden from view, remembering feelings we maybe cannot yet recall. The Moon in Cancer is calling us back to our own origin stories, the ways in which we have and have not known love. We may find ourselves doing the important work of feeling backwards to the places we believe we were loved, only to find that we understand them differently now. As bell hooks writes, “Initially, I did not want to accept a definition of love that would also compel me to face the possibility that I had not known love in the relationships that were most primary to me … if one’s goal is self-recovery, to be well in one’s soul, honestly and realistically confronting lovelessness is part of the healing process … I had to first learn anew the meaning of love and from there learn how to be loving.” How are you being invited to reflect on the deep feelings beneath your memories of love and care? Are you willing to feel differently, to see and understand love and care differently, if doing so is a necessary part of your healing? The Moon then makes a trine to Neptune, and we may feel swept up in our ideals and fantasies of what care and nurturing could be. As the Moon then opposes Saturn, these processes of review and idealization may bring us into confrontation with authority. Fear and resistance are not unexpected as we clarify what it is that actually offers us safety and security, especially if it means acknowledging the ways in which we have not been given what we need by authority figures who were responsible for our care. But the Moon is in its domicile, strong and connected to its resources. As we do the work of healing from what we were never given, we will find that all that we need in order to sooth and support our systems is already available to us in our own bodies. Ask yourself what it is that you need, then take the steps to provide for yourself—whether or not anyone ever showed you how.
The Moon spends the first half of the day completing its time in Gemini before ingressing into its domicile Cancer. In the last degrees of Gemini, the Moon opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius then makes a trine to Mars in Libra. We may feel pulled between the capaciousness of our hopes and faith in what is possible and the practical thinking that is needed to give those expansive possibilities a tangible reality. As adrienne maree brown writes in Emergent Strategy, “How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale. The patterns of the universe repeat at scale … what we practice at the small scale sets the patterns for the whole system.” As you confront your hopes and beliefs for what is possible, remember that you make such things possible by practicing them in small, embodied ways. And we don’t have to do it alone. Mars is completing its time in Libra, where it has been learning and teaching the lessons of collaboration and coalition, taking actions together that we cannot take on our own. As you consider the small-scale practices for bringing the world in which you want to live into being, remember to seek out allies and co-conspirators with whom you might do this work. As the Moon enters its home sign of Cancer, we are brought back to what nurtures and nourishes us. However, the Moon moves almost immediately into a sextile to Uranus which could shake up our experiences or expectations of care. The ways in which we have been accustomed to giving and receiving care may require adjustment. As Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha writes in Care Work, “What does it mean to shift our ideas of access and care (whether it’s disability, childcare, economic access, or many more) from an individual chore, an unfortunate cost of having an unfortunate body, to a collective responsibility that’s maybe even deeply joyful?” These are question we may be asking about what it means to give and receive what we need, to ask for and offer help, and to revolutionize our understanding of care.
Today we move through a tight T-square as the Moon in Gemini opposes Venus in Sagittarius then makes a square to Neptune in Pisces, followed by Venus squaring Neptune. Our ideals for love are being called into question by what we can know. The Moon opposing Venus asks: how are you bringing your liberated visions of love into daily practice? Can you balance critical thinking and affection? That which we love cannot be beyond examination or critique; in fact, the ability to critically consider that which we love may be evidence of how much we value it. If our love cannot be subjected to careful and thoughtful examination, we may be more invested in our own ideals than that or those we love. The Moon square Neptune challenges us to discriminate between illusion and knowledge that can be intersubjectively shared and affirmed. This aspect reminds me of Donna Haraway’s description of “situated knowledges” and “feminist objectivity.” She writes, “Feminists don’t need a doctrine of objectivity that promises transcendence, a story that loses track of its mediations just where someone might be held responsible for something … Feminist objectivity is about limited location and situated knowledge, not about transcendence and splitting of subject and object.” In other words, objective knowledge is not defined by transcendence or universality; feminist objectivity is committed to the partial and the particular, the locatable, the embodied, and the situated. As Neptune squares the Moon, we may feel the allure of the transcendent or the universal, but truly objective knowledge happens in the details, at the scale of what can be known from our limited, embodied positions. Finally, Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable signs ruled by Jupiter. It can be difficult to maintain our boundaries or our footing in the here-and-now in these signs. This T-square is reminding us that however expansive our ideals for love might feel, they must remain accountable to the details of how such love is practiced and acted out. As Judith Butler writes, “Love always returns us to what we do and do not know. We have no other choice than to become shaken by doubt, and to persist with what we can know when we can know it.”
Following the indulgent Full Moon in Taurus yesterday, the Moon ingresses into Gemini, and we are drawn back into the realms of ideas, thought processes, and making connections. However, Mercury—the ruler of Gemini—is retrograde in Scorpio and in aversion to the Moon. It may feel as if we are too swept up in feelings that are not yet intelligible to think clearly or efficiently. Be patient with yourself and others. Speak carefully and listen with care. Mercury makes a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn, the second of three such aspects—the first was on October 14 and the third will be November 30. As Mercury moves through this retrograde cycle, these aspects to Saturn are asking us to review our emotional boundaries as well as the places where we have felt like our voices were limited. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries requires coming to voice, speaking and articulating what is and is not okay—which may feel unfamiliar or in a process of transition. The Sun in Scorpio makes a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, offering new understanding or perspective on how power is operating in our bodies and our world. Things that have been hidden have been coming into view for a while. The Sun in Scorpio is reminding us that it isn’t an accident that you feel how you feel; it isn’t merely personal that there are feelings that have been hidden or repressed. Those experiences are always part of larger, social repressions, and as we uncover these hidden places in our own lives, that shifts how power operates throughout the collective as well. Finally, Mercury makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces, also the third of these aspects—the first was on October 15 and the third will be November 28 after both Neptune and Mercury station direct. This trine is an invitation to listen for messages that seem to come from beyond the veil. Allow yourself to drift and dream into non-ordinary states; meditate, daydream, fantasize, journey with the ancestors, and listen for insights that you may not yet understand but will become clearer in the days ahead.
Today is the Full Moon in Taurus, but before the Moon reaches is climax, it makes a trine to Saturn in Capricorn and opposes Mercury in Scorpio. How might we develop disciplines for supporting ourselves in feeling good, for cultivating more sustainable pleasure in the present and in the long-term? Whatever this Mercury retrograde has been reviewing or uncovering, today we might experience a moment of confrontation, coming to face what needs to be said, and perhaps drawing deep on our courage to ask for the things that we want and need.
The Moon then reaches its climax opposite the Sun in Scorpio. This full moon feels luxurious and abundant. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and with Venus—the ruler of Taurus—in Sagittarius co-present with Jupiter, we are being told in multiple ways: there is more than enough. As I said on the November forecast episode of Queer Skies, this Full Moon is a time for excellent, nourishing food, getting in touch with sensuous pleasures, having sex with yourself or other people, having orgasms or luxuriating in states of arousal, and maybe also trying something new—finding new pleasures. Maybe indulge in paying for some new feminist or queer porn from ethical sites like (because ethical porn starts when we pay people for their embodied sexual labor). This lunation also makes me think of what adrienne maree brown writes in Pleasure Activism, that “pleasure is a measure of freedom.” Access to pleasure is disproportionately distributed to different folks because of systems of oppression, ancestral trauma, and the traumas of living in an imperialist, colonialist, white supremacist, capitalist, hetero-patriarchy that is built on us believing that we are not enough, that we don’t have enough. So, this Full Moon is a good reminder to center pleasure in our own lives, because doing so is an act of resistance, a way of claiming our freedom. It’s also a reminder to center the pleasure of those who are most marginalized: in all this abundance, how can you make pleasure and feeling good more available to folks who live at the intersection of multiple systemic oppressions? What can you do to make space or be in service to the pleasure of others? The Moon then makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, reminding us that pleasure and feeling good are necessary for personal and political transformation. Feeling good must be part of any revolution to create a world in which all of us have access to feeling good. Your pleasure and making pleasure available to those who are most marginalized are revolutionary acts. Finally, Mars in Libra makes a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is the final aspect in this Mars/Jupiter cycle that began almost two years ago—January 6, 2018—and one of the last aspects to Jupiter during its time in Sagittarius. If you’ve spent the last year dreaming big, this aspect gives us the push to act. As adrienne maree brown said this weekend at the ASA Conference, “The future is always being practiced now.” What is the world in which you want to live, and how to you put it into practice today? The Moon continues its journey through Taurus, reminding us to reconnect to our support systems and the physical practices that nourish pleasure and rest. From my view, this lunation cycle has been inviting us to move from shame to pleasure, from the deep feelings that have been hidden toward the indulgent embodiment of feeling good. What has been coming up for you around these themes over the last two weeks? Are there desires that you’re still hiding or avoiding? Are there ways of feeling good that you don’t yet feel you can ask for or claim as your own? Today is an important moment in Mercury’s retrograde cycle. Mercury makes a conjunction with the Sun, what traditional astrologers called cazimi or in the heart of the Sun. This is an opportunity for clarity in the midst of whatever this retrograde has been reviewing and uncovering. Pay attention to the new information that shows up, the messages you receive, the fresh insights or perspectives that come into focus. Mercury won’t station direct until November 20 and won’t clear the shadow of the retrograde until December. All has not yet been revealed, but today’s cazimi may bring some crucial details into focus or show where important pieces are falling into place.
AuthorMichael J. Morris is a witch, an astrologer, a tarot reader, an artist, a writer, and a teacher. Categories
April 2024