The day begins with the Moon in Sagittarius forming a sextile to Mars in Libra. After yesterday’s Moon square Neptune, this sextile to Mars re-focuses us on our ambitions, our desires, and our drive to strive and achieve. As the Moon makes a conjunction to Jupiter in Sagittarius, open to the feeling of abundance and expansion in your own body. What if you are already more than enough? What if you already contain all that you need in order to be free? Your body is your wise teacher, and this is a moment for offering gratitude for everything that your body is teaching you. Mercury stations retrograde today around 27º Scorpio, beginning a journey of retracing its path until stationing direct on November 20. Remember, Mercury retrograde is not a time for panic and it is not a curse from the heavens. Rather, it is an invitation for reflection and review, for slowing down and reconsidering, re-reading what we have written, looking back at the things we think we understand in order to find other ways to tell those stories. In Scorpio, this process brings us back through our emotional depths, our dark and hidden places, the parts of ourselves that have been traversed by both Mercury and Venus for the last several weeks. There are things we still do not know how to say. There are ways of narrating our own stories that have not yet accounted for the parts of ourselves that we have been convinced make us unlovable. This retrograde is a journey of vulnerability and intimacy—finding how to invite others into experiences of ourselves that we do not know how to share. Be patient. Listen closely. Allow yourself to not know. As the Moon ingresses into Capricorn, we may be drawn to work that contributes to our long-term plans or building foundations to support us in the days ahead.
Tomorrow is also Samhain, the witches’ new year. This is the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is the final harvest, the end of a cycle of life and growth and gathering the fruits of our labor. Now we move deeper into the autumn months, the longer nights, and the colder weather. Every ending is also a beginning, and as the wheel of the year turns and this cycle is complete, we enter the dormant period that is also the start of a cycle of new life to come. Samhain is also a time for honoring our ancestors, for communing with the dead. It is said to be the time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. It is a time for celebration and also introspection. Today or tomorrow, you might create an altar to your ancestors—those who make your life possible whether related by blood or other forms of kinship—and offer gratitude for the lives they lived. For me, this includes my father, my grandparents, and my family line as well as the transcestors, the mighty and beloved queer dead who are not my kin by blood but by possibility. The lives they lived make my life possible. You might take time to be quiet and still, and listen to what your ancestors are saying. To say that the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest also suggests that this is a time for visioning toward worlds to come. What will justice in worlds to come require? What resources do ancestors past, present, and future offer to creating justice for all, for life on this planet other than ourselves? If we allow today to mark both endings and beginnings, what can you let go of or surrender that is no longer serving you, and how can you orient yourself toward being in service to that which you love in the year ahead?
Today Venus makes a conjunction to Mercury in Scorpio just before Mercury stations retrograde tomorrow. Venus is coming to the end of its time in Scorpio, but we may not yet have words for all that we have been uncovering about ourselves and our relationships to love, desire, and pleasure. Even as we begin to integrate different approaches to what it means to love and be loved, we are just beginning to find how to translate these experiences and perspectives to others in our lives. This conjunction is part of Mercury’s assignment for this retrograde: Mercury is preparing for several weeks of reviewing, reflecting, and remembering its way through the part of our charts occupied by Scorpio. Venus conjunct Mercury today reminds us to also ask ourselves how this process of review and reflection relates to our experiences of our own lovability and how we express love for others. This is emphasized further by Mars—the ruler of Scorpio—in Libra, the sign of Venus. The Moon in Sagittarius makes a square to Neptune in Pisces, and we may lose track of the focus of our journey. Why you are moving in the direction in which you are moving may feel diffuse or disoriented. In these moments of disorientation, notice what else comes into view. Neptune can derail our pursuit of linear progress, but in so doing, we may also encounter unexpected inspiration or invitations into different states of reality.
At the very start of the day, the Moon in Scorpio makes a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. This is the final aspect in a story that has been unfolding over since the beginning of October describing our embodied and felt relationship to power. There may be a measure of ease as we recognize and integrate the lessons of this cycle, particularly in the area of our charts occupied by Capricorn. The Moon then makes a conjunction to Venus in Scorpio. Venus is moving towards the end of its journey through Scorpio, a period demanding that we bring more of our hidden selves into our relationships in order to experience the depths of intimacy and care that are possible. This conjunction marks the beginning of a process of more fully embodying those lessons. The Moon then makes a conjunction to Mercury in Scorpio, just days before Mercury stations retrograde. What are the stories that you tell yourself about your place in this world? Where did those stories come from? What are the deep patterns of thinking or feeling that need examination? Finally, the Moon ingresses into Sagittarius where it is co-present with and has reception from Jupiter. Coming up from the deep waters of Scorpio, Sagittarius invites us into wide open spaces, expansive perspectives, and experiencing what it feels like to situate ourselves within bigger and broader contexts. What kind of belonging becomes available to you if you see yourself as part of a world that is larger than your immediate surroundings? If you look beyond yourself and your own horizons, seeking out new and unfamiliar terrain, you will find the affirmation that there is a place for you here.
Today the Sun in Scorpio perfects its opposition to Uranus in Taurus, which could describe a jolt of revelation, understanding, or perceiving yourself and the world around you in radically new ways. This aspect reminds me of something Gordon Hall wrote several years ago: “What we require is a large-scale rearranging of the ways that bodies are classified and hierarchized along gendered and racial lines. This is largely a question of reworking our vision so that in the moments we encounter one another, we are actually able to see differently than the way we have been taught.” How do we rework our vision so that we can learn to see one another and ourselves in ways that are different from how we have been taught to see, understand, and make meaning? The Moon in Scorpio then makes a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn and a trine to Neptune in Pisces. This is the final aspect of this lunar-Saturnian cycle, and we may find that we are feeling a different alignment to boundaries in our lives than we experienced a month ago, particularly in regard to our bodies and feelings. The Moon trine Neptune is a beautiful aspect for dream work and for sleep that allows us to vision more deeply. As the Moon moves through the deep waters of Scorpio and brings us close to the places in our bodies where we have been shaped by shame, Neptune reminds us that we are already part of something larger than ourselves. Whatever we feel is only ours to carry in the shadows, Neptune in Pisces reminds us that our feelings are already part of a collective ocean of healing. Allow yourself to rest in the knowledge that your personal healing is also healing for the collective.
Today is the New Moon in Scorpio, but before the Moon moves into Scorpio, it first moves through a square to Pluto in Capricorn and a sextile to Jupiter in Sagittarius. The square to Pluto continues the story from the Moon’s trine to Pluto on October 25. As we move through this cycle of transformation, we must confront how power operates on and through our bodies. How has your relationship to your felt sense of your body been challenged to transform throughout this lunation cycle? Where can you observe the forces of regulation, normalization, and control shaping your perceptions or expectations for your body, and how might you interrupt or subvert those processes in favor of liberation? Mars in Libra perfects its square to Saturn in Capricorn, and it may feel like driving directly into a wall of stone. The momentum or acceleration that you’ve been experiencing in the place that Libra occupies in your chart may feel like it comes to a sudden halt, as if your circumstances are refusing the action that you are trying to take. The Moon then ingresses into Scorpio—the sign of its fall or depression—and conjoins the Sun at around 4º, in a tight opposition to Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon marks the start of a new cycle, a new process of growth and change. Opposing Uranus, this process may require breaking down in order to break through into new ways of being in the world. We all have established patterns of behavior for when we meet ourselves in the dark, for when we face our own hidden places. Sometimes we repress or avoid, sometimes we run away or act out aggressively. Shame has shaped us all, but in the dark of the Moon, we are being shaken. We cannot continue to live with our shame in the ways we have until now. Something must change, and that is the process of healing that we are being brought into during this lunation cycle.
As the Moon in Libra makes a conjunction to Mars, we may feel stirred to action, particularly taking action together, in solidarity and cooperation with others. It may also be that we encounter some kind of injury or that we are asked to confront places where we have experienced harm. Mars severs and separates, and the Moon signifies the body, the emotional life, and our basic instinctual needs for safety and security. Whether we experience harm today or are brought to face the wounded places that we carry, there is a need for repair and reconciliation—but this requires establishing conditions of safety and security. We cannot move toward healing or repair if our basic sense of safety remains compromised. The Moon in Libra then squares Saturn in Capricorn, and we may be challenged to consider the behaviors that are not in alignment with our long-term success. We may also be challenged to push against the seemingly immovable conditions that are telling us NO. Saturn can describe our endurance across time, our boundaries and the structures that support us; Saturn can also describe established systems that resist or refuse change. As the Moon moves through this square, we must determine where we are being challenged to move into alignment with the deep structures of our pasts and futures, and where we must struggle against existing systems that would deny justice for all.
This is a full day for the Moon as it moves through Virgo. First the Moon will sextile Venus in Scorpio, a supportive reminder that whatever depths of feelings we are moving through in our relationships and our beliefs about our own lovability, making changes in what we do throughout our day-to-day practices is a necessary part of our healing journeys. The Moon then makes a trine to Pluto, further emphasizing the intense need for transformation that is in alignment with our well-being. In order to move with healing, we must be willing to transform our relationship to our bodies, our material realities, and the things we do to make and unmake our worlds. The Moon squares Jupiter in Sagittarius, and it may feel as if the world is asking for too much or that we are being challenged to be responsible for a world that is more expansive than the mundane rhythms of our tasks and to-do lists. The major aspect of the day is Venus in Scorpio making a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus is the planet of love and pleasure, and Pluto is the planet of the underworld, the intense drive to transform what is buried beneath the surface. Pluto can be overwhelming, captivating, abducting even. In this supportive aspect, we are invited to surrender, to let go, to allow ourselves to be carried away by the intensities of our own desires and pleasures. This will no doubt require confronting our own shadows, our shame and hidden places. But what might be transformed if you could surrender to the possibility that all of you can be loved, every part of you deserves to feel deeply, and it is possible to feel beyond our own experiences of harm and trauma? As the Moon makes a sextile to Mercury, we may feel supported in speaking new truths, casting new spells for our own pleasures and capacities to love. Finally, the Moon ingresses into Libra. As we come through the intensity of this journey, we may find ourselves holding hands with those we trust—our collaborators, our companions, and our colleagues with whom we can both give and receive.
Today the Moon in Virgo makes a trine to Saturn in Capricorn. It’s time to do the work of developing our long-term plans and putting them into action. Saturn in Capricorn is invested in longevity, persistence, the endurance of legacies, and the kinds of success that we can only reach through sustained effort and devotion. The Moon in Virgo is busy with the practical details of what can be accomplished today in order to create the conditions necessary for Saturn’s long-term goals to be realizable. What steps can you take right now—however big or small—to invest in processes that will be unfolding for a long while to come? How are you defining success for yourself, and what do you need to put into place now in order to support the ongoing effort of working toward that goal? Shortly after the Moon trines Saturn, it moves into an opposition to Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Neptune draws us into the realms of dreams, fantasies, and non-ordinary reality. Neptune in Pisces is the opposite of practical, and as it comes into aspect with the Moon, we may feel the pull between our ideals—our sense of other possible worlds—and the practical work at hand. As the Moon opposes Neptune, we may be challenged to find small ways that we can be in service to our ideals, to make other possible worlds more real and tangible as the world in which we are living.
As the Moon in Leo makes a trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius, we may experience the rush of expansive, abundant gratitude for all that we are and all that we have experienced. What if we felt in our bodies that we are already enough, that there is actually more than enough for all of us? What might become possible if we lived more fully into the felt reality of abundance? The Moon then makes a square to Mercury in Scorpio, which is a set up for words that unsettle or harm. Listen closely, take your time to breathe, and know that what you are saying and what you are hearing may hold much more depth than it seems on the surface. The Sun ingresses into Scorpio, marking the middle weeks of autumn in the northern hemisphere. Mercury and Venus have been in Scorpio since early October, bringing us on a journey through our own shadowy places. The Sun brings light and vitality to these dark waters. We may begin to see and understand more of what these weeks have been teaching us as the Sun following in the wake of Mercury and Venus. The Moon then enters Virgo, and immediately into a supportive sextile to the Sun. Our focus may shift toward practical details and getting things done. The Moon’s trine to Uranus in Taurus may bring disruption into what we are trying to accomplish, but it will support us in cultivating more efficiency and efficacy in the tasks at hand.
Today the Moon in Leo makes a sextile to Mars in Libra, an aspect that inspires bravery, taking action, and fighting for what we believe, for the kind of world that we want to live in. The steady fires of Leo are teaching us the values of allowing ourselves to be seen and loved in all of our blazing glory, and cooperative Libra is teaching us that we need not sacrifice who we know ourselves to be in order to be held in relationships, in community, in collectivity and collaboration. Themes of loyalty and commitment to connection may come up today as well. There may be challenges to face in our relationships as the Moon makes a square to Venus in Scorpio. Venus is currently in a journey through the dark waters of our emotional depths while the Moon insists on more courage, more visibility, more seeing and being seen. This aspect feels like that moment of looking into the eyes of a loved one as we feel into our own hidden places, when the question arises: do I dare to share even this? Can I trust this love to hold what I have not yet revealed? This is not an easy aspect, but what if building abiding trust requires us to swim deeper into our own selves and shine more brightly and brilliantly, offering whatever we find within us to be beheld?
This morning, the Moon in Cancer squares the Sun in Libra, entering the waning quarter phase of this lunation cycle. After the crescendo of the Full Moon in Aries on October 13, this waning quarter phase may ask us to take apart and let go of ways of relating to others that are not in alignment with our own and their wellbeing. The Moon then ingresses into Leo, and we feel the blaze of authenticity radiating from within. What would it take to show up more fully as yourself, to courageous and passionately share who you know yourself to be with those around you? Move toward the people and places where you feel celebrated and adored for what you have shared of yourself with them, then risk showing up even more fully. Venus in Scorpio perfects a trine to Neptune in Pisces, a lovely, supportive aspect that may bring new inspiration to your relationships and practices of love. What if loving was a sacred act? How would we love differently if we considered our practices of loving to be acts of devotion to one another and our truest selves? As the Moon in Leo moves into a square from Uranus in Taurus, pay attention to the rumblings beneath the surface of your body. Those feelings are challenging your assumptions of who you have to be, and if you let them, they will push you in the direction of more authenticity. It may feel scary at first, but it has the capacity to bring you into more grounding and stability.
Today the Moon in Cancer makes a square to Mars in Libra. Some sense of safety or security may feel threatened. Libra’s insistence on harmonious collectivity challenges Mars’ driven individualism, and it may be the challenge to understand ourselves as always constituted in and through relations that brings up relational wounds from our pasts. A few hours later, the Moon makes a trine to Venus in Scorpio and an opposition to Saturn in Capricorn—just as Venus is perfecting a sextile to Saturn. This aspect between Venus and Saturn asks: what are the practices of love and care that create stable foundations for long-lasting relationships? And what are the practices and ways of relating that have proven to be unsustainable? As Venus moves toward completing this cycle in relation to Saturn, it is time to take account of what has the capacity to endure and what can no longer be supported. The Moon’s aspect to both Saturn and Venus asks us to feel these questions in our bodies, to follow the sensations of care and pleasure and yes, and to allow ourselves to be curious and nurturing towards the places where we feel resistance and rigidity. The Moon then moves directly into a trine from Neptune. As we reflect on sustainable love practices, Neptune invites us to dream and fantasize: what else might be possible beyond the existing models of love that I have known? Finally, the Moon makes a trine to Mercury in Scorpio, so as night falls, we may feel capable of sharing and expressing the discoveries that we are making.
The Moon moves into Cancer, the sign of its domicile, and encourages us to return to our own sources of safety, nurturing, and care. What are the restorative conditions that allow you take off your armor, to soften, to be vulnerable, and to be held in the certainty that you are supported? Asking these questions may draw you back into your own memories, your own childhood; you may find yourself returning to the love and care you that received that continues to nourish your adult self. You may also find that there were ways in which you did not know this kind of care early in life. Allow yourself to feel whatever arises from the waters of your own origins, and know that you can create the kinds of stable attachments that you need in your life now even if they were not available to you early on. As the Moon moves through a sextile to Uranus, we may feel shaken, but it is a disruption that is allowing us to open up a new story and a new way of being in relation to our bodies and most basic needs. Mercury in Scorpio, now in the shadow of its retrograde, makes a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn—an aspect which Mercury will make twice more during its retrograde cycle. We are finding the words to speak truth to power, and it is through this process of coming to voice that we are moving into the final chapters of a cycle of transforming how we communicate that began January 18, 2019, when Mercury was conjunct Pluto. As Mercury moves through this upcoming retrograde, these are words or messages that we will continue to revisit and develop. We are diving into the shadows, encountering our own experiences of harm or powerlessness, and finding how to share those experiences—and in doing so, rewriting our own stories.
As the Moon in Gemini moves through a square from Neptune in Pisces, our thinking may feel scattered and our words may feel diffuse. With a lot of details and ideas in the mix, it might not yet be clear how it all relates or fits together. The Moon then opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius, and we may feel challenged to widen our view, to seek out new perspectives beyond our familiar frames. The cohesion we are seeking is only possible it we are willing to consider our findings within a broader context. Finally, the Moon moves into a trine to the Sun in Libra. What began in a fog will eventually become clear in the light of fresh understanding. The Sun is in its fall in Libra, so the resources it has to offer in this supportive aspect will come not from the ego but through community, collectivity, and cooperation.
The skies are fairly quiet today. Midafternoon, the Moon in Gemini makes a trine to Mars in Libra. The Moon in Gemini finds comfort in conversation, in talking through ideas and making connections between different perspectives. Mars in Libra is teaching us about cooperative action, the kinds of activism that grow out of solidarity and coalition as we find common cause across our differences. Today could be a good day to initiate new dialogues, to reach out to potential allies and collaborators, to start the conversations that can fuel the actions you feel driven to take to support others—with the support of others. While Mars can push to take charge and step in to lead, the Moon in Gemini reminds us to listen as well and to be open to receive.
The Moon in Taurus makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, and we may find that discovering new pleasures and inventing new practices of pleasure are transforming our relationships to power. As adrienne maree brown writes, “there is no way to repress pleasure and expect liberation, satisfaction, or joy,” and, “Pleasure activism asserts that we all need and deserve pleasure and that our social structures must reflect this. In this moment, we must prioritize the pleasure of those most impacted by oppression … Ultimately, pleasure activism is us learning to make justice and liberation the most pleasurable experiences we can have on this planet.” Our pleasure is political. As we struggle for freedom and resist the ways in which power acts on and through our bodies, pleasure—daring to delight in our own felt experiences—becomes integral to our liberation. Celebrating the abundance of feeling that’s available to us within our own bodies transforms our relationship to power structures that would deny our access to feeling or control our capacities for pleasure. As the Moon moves into Gemini, we may feel a quickening in our systems, an alert desire to connect, to share, to be in dialogue with others and make meaning together. However, Mercury—the ruler of Gemini—is currently in aversion to its home sign. It may feel as if we have a lot to say and share, but without a clear sense of with whom we can connect. Check the angles you aren’t seeing: it’s possible that meaningful connections are escaping your notice because they are too close at hand or just to the side of wherever you are looking.
After separating from its late-night conjunction to Uranus, the Moon in Taurus opposes Venus in Scorpio. With the Moon in its exaltation coming to face its ruler Venus—which is in detriment in Scorpio—we may feel challenged to create balance between how we relate to our own bodies and how we bring the depth of our own experience into our relationships. Venus in Scorpio is teaching us to allow more of ourselves to be loved, especially those parts that we might believe make us unlovable, and this opposition asks us to celebrate our bodies, especially the parts that carry shame or neglect. Learning to love all the parts of your body might begin with allowing yourself to build a relationship with the parts you might rather ignore. Can you start with simply feeling, touching, and paying attention to more of your body? What if you touched yourself in the ways that you would want someone who loved you to touch you? How does that feel? As the Moon then moves into a trine to Saturn in Capricorn, we might ask what a long-term practice of celebrating and enjoying our bodies might require. What if you were disciplined in your practices of pleasure and self-love? What kind of foundation might that create for a new relationship to your body? Finally, Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces, setting sail on the seas of inspiration. Take time to put your fantasies and dreams into words that you can then share with yourself and with others.
As Mercury in Scorpio perfects its sextile to Saturn in Capricorn, we may find the words to name the boundaries that we need in order to feel stable and safe. What do you need to ask for in order to feel stable and emotionally supported? What have you left unsaid that is actually a crucial component of the life you are trying to build for yourself in the long-term? The Sun perfects its square to Pluto, and following the Full Moon yesterday, we may be further challenged to asked to examine and transform the ways that our lives and livability depend upon the domination and oppression of others. It’s time to shine light into the dark spaces that it might feel easier to ignore. The Moon enters Taurus, the sign of its exaltation, asking us to invest time and attention in the pleasure and well-being of our bodies. As the Moon moves through its conjunction to Uranus, we may feel a sudden jolt to our systems, the realization that in order to feel good in ways that are sustainable, we may have to break away from familiar patterns that we thought would lead to wellness or habitual approaches to pleasure that actually limit how much we feel. Still in the full moon phase of the lunation cycle, the Moon in Taurus asks us to consider: what would it take to feel good and be well, in ways that may be unfamiliar but are abundantly sustainable?
Today is the Full Moon in Aries, and this is not a simple lunation. Early in the day, the Moon moves through a square to Saturn in Capricorn. Fear, pressure, or scarcity may intrude into the final degrees of the Moon’s gibbous phase. Something is coming to fruition and visibility, but we may have to push through a rigid sense of limitation and regulation in order to experience the fullness of what is coming. Jupiter casts a sextile ray back to the Sun in Libra, a blessing of abundance for this Full Moon. In fairly rapid succession, the Moon receives a superior trine from Jupiter and moves into opposition to the Sun, just as both the Sun and the Moon move into squares to Pluto in Capricorn. Detailed geometry aside, this is a Full Moon in supportive aspects to Jupiter and challenging aspects to Pluto. Aries is the cardinal fire sign. It is combustible, initiatory, impulsive and brave. Aries puts us in touch with our passions and drives, and pushes us to take action. With the Moon in Aries, our systems may feel amped up with the need to do something, anything. Receiving a supportive trine from Jupiter in Sagittarius, this could be the conditions for grand gestures, making moves in pursuit of big ideas, blazing beyond familiar territory in courageous pursuit of adventure and freedom. However, with the Sun and Moon in a T-square to Pluto in Capricorn, do not be surprised if the under-worldly challenges your way. Pluto demands transformation, particularly of those parts of our lives that we repress, the destructive and traumatic experiences that we push into the shadows and beneath the ground. The Moon, Sun, and Pluto are all in cardinal signs, and Jupiter is in its domicile in mutable Sagittarius. This is the time for something new, but it requires addressing our own darkness. The fires of Aries and Sagittarius stoke our longing for freedom, but Pluto would seem to remind us what Angela Davis has written: “Freedom is a constant struggle”—a teaching from a freedom song that was “repeatedly sung in the southern United States during the twentieth-century freedom movement.” I take from these teachings that struggle—against systems of oppression, repression, domination, and exploitation, struggle against systems that afford us privilege at the cost of others’ suffering, struggle against violence, struggle against shame—struggle itself is perhaps the experience of freedom. Freedom is not the unhindered, uninhibited autonomy to do whatever we please; if we are not in struggle, it is very likely that we are intentionally or unintentionally complicit within systems of oppression that require our compliance, and in feeling no resistance as we live our lives in line with such systems, we imagine this absence of struggle to be freedom. But as Fannie Lou Hamer said, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free,” and any look around our world with open eyes will see the we are not all free. So today, as this fiery Aries Full Moon reaches its climax, as Jupiter gives us immense support to charge after expansive adventures, let these squares from Pluto remind us that freedom is a constant struggle—with the systems outside and inside ourselves that are built on suffering. What must you struggle against in order to be free? If you feel free, in what ways are your freedoms dependent on the oppressions of others? These are questions we must ask, because this Full Moon reminds us that in order to be free, we must face and transform those buried shadows that we would rather repress and ignore. If you would like a critical resource for this Full Moon, I offer this meditation from the archives of Alexis Pauline Gumbs’ Black Feminist Breathing Chorus:
AuthorMichael J. Morris is a witch, an astrologer, a tarot reader, an artist, a writer, and a teacher. Categories
April 2024