Astrology Consultations as Feminist Praxis QAC2020 Recording
How can astrological practices participate in feminist movements toward justice, liberation, and healing? Drawing on the work of bell hooks, Angela Davis, Kimberlé Crenshaw, the Combahee River Collective, Patricia Hill Collins, and the Healing Justice movement, this presentation—given as part of the Queer Astrology Conference on July 11, 2020—discusses practical and theoretical ways in which working with clients, shaping our consultations, situating our astrology in relation to frameworks and epistemologies emerging from feminist thought and methodologies, and considering our work as a practice of healing can embody feminist values. At a time of global uprisings for justice, it is even more important to ask how our work as astrologers can participate in social movements, and the work of feminist thinkers animates possibilities for how astrology can become a feminist praxis.
-1 hour long audio recording (mp3)
-PowerPoint slides (PDF)